
sista n sista biking /

Goood eeeevening:)

I have been walking all around town today to find abacaxi...
but what I really wanted was abacate...

Sista Britt, the lady I'm staying with, have a bicykle.
Normal white people in Mozambiqe use cars.. Britt dosn't.
She rides her bicykle. And, since Maputo is quite a big city,
and since I was asking for the wrong fruit and didn't know
I was, we made alot wrong turns.

In Maputo they sell fruits at the streets, and you have to be
familiar with the place to know where to get the exact things you
want. We don't and we wanted to go home and eat abacate. we never
really found one, but we have an appointment with a street seller to
meet us tomorrow at the corner of some place to sell us abacate...

this is the picture: Me at the back of the bicykle, two white
LADIES riding in the middle of the streets, cars driving by using
their horns in 60 km/h. Alot of people in the streets looking at this
strange couple, the only white ones where us. I was laughing so much.
You know, mozambiquan should behave. Anyway, we're Norwegian.

read more tomorrow about;
-the flying plastikbag birds

keep on riding /